The Qt Company
Qt Quick MultiEffect
A Qt Quick component for fast, animated effects.
NEW! Since Qt 6.4 we have a graphical tooling in Qt Design Studio that should be used to create custom post-processing effects to 2D elements. As part of the launch of Qt 6.4 we started offering Multieffects also for free - for everyone.
QuickMultiEffect combines a subset of Qt Graphical Effects (with some extras) into a single item and shader effect. This shader is dynamically created based on which features/effects the user enables, to make it always as optimal as possible. QuickMultiEffect is notably more performant than using multiple Qt Graphical Effects when the amount of effects increases.
Main features
Supported effects that can be freely mixed and matched:
- blur
- shadow
- brightness
- contrast
- saturation
- colorize
- mask
Shaders are generated for both Compatibility profile (e.g. OpenGL ES 2.0) and Core profile (OpenGL 3.3+).
QuickMultiEffect component is pure Qt Quick / QML (no C++) which makes it easy to integrate into Qt Quick applications.
The package contains QuickMultiEffect component with API documentation and 4 example applications (Testbed, ItemSwitcher, EffectsBench, QDSTester).
Example applications
- Testbed: Allows testing all features separately or together, while confirming that generated shaders are optimal. Also assists in customizing/extending the shader for specific needs.
- EffectsBench: Compares the performance of QuickMultiEffect vs. Qt Graphical Effects when the amount of effects is increased.
- ItemSwitcher: Presents one example of usage for QuickMultiEffect. Allows switching between QtQuick items using a set of fancy animations (Blinds, Thunder, 3DFlip, etc.). Based on the examples it is easy to implement own custom switching animations.
- QDSTester: Can be used to tweak QuickMultiEffect properties of a simple source item with Qt Design Studio and animate the properties using the Qt Design Studio timeline.