TaoQuick Installation Instructions
Get code
git clone https://github.com/jaredtao/TaoQuick.git
cd TaoQuick
git submodule update --init
You just need to import '.pri' file to project and add import Path to QmlEngine, TaoQuick will be used as local file or qrc resource.
Compared with 'Qml module' and 'Qml C++ plugin', this usage has the following advantages:
After importing '.pri', no additional compile, generation of dll or plugin are required
No additional copy resources are required to deploy the program
After importing '.pri', Qt Creater can support TaoQuick Qml code highlighting and double-clicking the Follow symbol
After importing the module 'import TaoQuick 1.0' in Qml, you can use the TaoQuick component in The Designer mode of Qt Creator by dragging or with visual property editor. (Rule: generate metainfo required by Designer via some script)
Detailed steps:
copy src/TaoQuick to your project, in any location
Import 'pri' files in the corresponding TaoQuick folder in your project 'pro' file
For example:
TaoQuick.pri will define two MACROs: TaoQuickImportPath and TaoQuickImagePath.
Debug mode will use TaoQuick as a local file, and release mode for qrc resource.
add import path in cpp
Before loading source qml, TaoQuick needs to add import path to QmlEngine and set imagePath to context.
if QQuickView is used, TaoQuick can be used as:
view.rootContext()->setContextProperty("taoQuickImagePath", TaoQuickImagePath);
if QmlEngine is used, TaoQuick can be used as:
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("taoQuickImagePath", TaoQuickImagePath);
TaoQuick started supporting cmake after version 0.5.0, it's the same as qmake.
Detailed steps:
copy src/TaoQuick to your project, in any location
copy cmake/taoQuick.cmake to your project, in any location
and make sure the first line of taoQuick.cmake location points to correct TaoQuick path
- add cmake extern path in your CMakeLists.txt
add extern path:
then load taoQuick with 'include'
taoQuick.cmake will define two MACROs: TaoQuickImportPath and TaoQuickImagePath.
Debug mode will use TaoQuick as a local file, and release mode for qrc resource.
Release mode taoQuick.cmake also define a MACRO TaoQuickRes, that location to qrc file.
your project should add TaoQuickRes to executable, like this:
add_executable(MyApp ${someSource} ${TaoQuickRes})
add_executable(MyApp ${someSource})
add import path in cpp
Before loading source qml, TaoQuick needs to add import path to QmlEngine and set imagePath to context.
if QQuickView, TaoQuick can be used as:
view.rootContext()->setContextProperty("taoQuickImagePath", TaoQuickImagePath);
if QmlEngine, TaoQuick can be used as:
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("taoQuickImagePath", TaoQuickImagePath);