QGeoView Installation Instructions
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need:
- C++11 compiler (GCC, Clang, MinGW,...)
- Qt 5.6 or higher (core, gui, widgets, network)
- qmake or cmake
- doxygen (optional)
- pre-commit (optional) https://pre-commit.com/
If you use qmake
cd <build-dir>
qmake <source-dir>/QGeoView.pro
make install
If you use cmake
cd <build-dir>
cmake <source-dir>
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
If you use doxygen (documentation)
cd <source-dir>
Documentation and demo
Documentation: https://amonranet.github.io/QGeoView/
You can see here small video: QGeoView Demo or use demo example to see all QGeoView features: