KPeople Installation Instructions


git clone git://



target_link_libraries(yourapp KF5::People)


QT += KPeople 

To use KPeople, you'll want to look for it using


Or its qmake counterpart. Then you'll have available 3 different libraries to depend on:

  • KPeople which is the most basic one and will mainly provide PersonsModel and PersonData. You will use them respectively in case you need information about the full set of contacts on your system or just the one.
  • KPeopleWidgets will be required in case we want to integrate it into your QtWidgets-based application. We will mainly find the PersonDetailsView and the MergeDialog.
  • KPeopleBackend is the library used to make it possible to create backends for KPeople. You should only use it in case you are providing support for a new backend type. WARNING Its ABI interfaces are not yet stable.
  • Also, KPeople also bundles a qml import module that can be pulled using:

    import org.kde.people 1.0

This will allow access to the KPeople data from QML code-bases.

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