Smith AR
JS Timer Events
This extension adds JS timer events to Qt5.
Timer events function extensions
The TimerHandler
is an opaque type, you can use this value for cancel the timer
function setTimeout(cb: () => any, time: number): TimerHandler;
function setInterval(cb: () => any, time: number): TimerHandler;
function clearTimeout(timer: TimerHandler): void;
function clearInterval(timer: TimerHandler): void;
NOTE: clearInterval
is an synonym of clearTimeout
import QtQuick 2.0
import org.jsmitar.timerjs 1.0
Item {
function foo() {
let timer = setTimeout(_ => console.log('HELLO timer'), 100)
clearTimeout(timer) // is safe call clearTimeout multiple times
function bar() {
let timer = setInterval(_ => {
console.log('HELLO timer')
clearInterval(timer) // you can use clearTimeout too
}, 100)
For limitations of Qt if you want to use Timer JS events in .mjs
modules you need inject the functions inside of Qt
global variable
// file: main.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
import org.jsmitar.timerjs 1.0
Item {
id: root
Component.onCompleted: {
Qt.setInterval = setInterval
Qt.setTimeout = setTimeout
Qt.clearTimeout = clearTimeout
Qt.clearInterval = clearInterval
// file: my_module.mjs
export function foo() {
Qt.setInterval(() => console.log('HELLO timer))